• 2019-03-06

    Managem participates in PDAC fair

    From March 3rd to 6th 2019, Managem participated in PDAC, a large-scale international mining event. Every year, this professional fair gathers close to 25 000 profesional from mining sector, coming from 130 countries. Enabling them to meet investors and international experts.

  • 2019-02-26

    A partnership program with Injaz Al-Maghib to pomote entrepreneurship in mining areas

    Under the sponsorship of Al Mada foundation and with the support of National Education ministery, Managem and Injaz Al Maghrib signed a partnership to deploy training program centred around entrepreneurship in the mining areas where Managem operates.
    This partnership is built on 3 programs :

    •   Jamaati for primary schools students
    •  It’s My Business for secondary schools students 
    •  Cooper’Up for cooperatives and associations.
  • 2019-02-18

    Managem participates in the SIMFE fair

    SIMFE convention gathers major mining actors in Sudan and around the World. This event promotes mining potential of the region, where Managem is an important operator.

  • 2018-12-28

    Managem acquires a powerful Raise Boring Machine RBR 600

    With more than 65 years pf expertise in drilling and mining works, Techsub, subsidiary of Managem, strengthenes its fleet with high technology Raise Boring machine: the RBR 600 from German supplier Herrenknecht. Through this acquisition, Managem gives itself the means to reinforce its future projects and to conduct important drilling and mining works in shorter periods and with more safety and comfort for our operators.

  • 2018-11-27

    An important Belgian delegation on our Guemassa site

    An important Belgian delegation visited our Guemassa industrial and mining complex in Marrakech. Composed of multiple researchers, university members and representatives of worldwide chemical industry leaders, the delegation exchanged with Managem teams on the Group’s know-how and expertise along with its dynamic of innovation and R&D efforts. This visit is part of the Belgian mission in Morocco and aims at promoting economic relations between both countries.