• 2020-03-01

    Managem participates in the PDAC fair.

    Managem participated in PDAC 2020, an international mining fair. This professional convention gathers every year nearly 25,000 mining professionals from over 130 countries, offering them the opportunity to meet international investors and experts.

  • 2019-11-08

    Fun fairs and creative workshops for more than 900 students from elementary and secondary schools...

    Fun fairs and creative workshops for more than 900 students from elementary and secondary schools in our mining areas, to celebrate the end of Jamaati and It’s My Business progams.
    Programs in partnertship with Injaz Al Maghrib to help students better understand municipality organization and to be initiated to entrepreneurship from a young age, for sustainable value creation.

  • 2019-10-11

    Campus Managem 2019, 1st edition dedicated to coaching and skills development.

    Campus Managem 2019, 1st edition dedicated to coaching and skills development. Technical training, soft skills workshops and conferences on the topics shaping the mine of tomorrow.

  • 2019-09-11

    Managem R&D Prize awarded to BEP Junior Enterprise, based in Marrakesh and manufacturing fertilizers and pesticides from organic waste.

    Managem R&D Prize awarded to BEP Junior Enterprise, based in Marrakesh and manufacturing fertilizers and pesticides from organic waste. In partnership with Injaz Al-Maghrib, Mangem participated in the annual national competition recognizing the best Junior Enterprises in Morocco.

  • 2019-07-01

    Managem and its subsidiaries SMI, AGM and Reminex receive CSR Label award from CGEM

    CGEM organized an award ceremony attributing “CSR label trophy” to 18 companies, in recognition of their commitment in terms of social responsibility and sustainable development. Managem and its subsidiaries SMI, AGM and Reminex are rewarded for the sturdiness of their achievements and CSR commitments. A recognition continually renewed since the first label received in May 2013.