• 2019-04-19

    Managem participates in the Marrakech Mining Convention

    From April 17th to 19th, Marrakech hosted the 1st edition of Marrakech Mining Convention. Under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohamed VI, the MMC was organized by Moroccan ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development. This large-scale event welcomed ministerial delegations from 16 countries along with more than 30 national and international exhibitors from mining sector. Multiples conferences and worshops took place during the 3 days of the fair. An excellent opportunity to share best practice and to discuss current challenges of mining industry, along with the matters that will shape the future of our sector: Digitalization, sustainable development and Safety were at the heart of the discussions.

  • 2019-04-03

    Managem adopts its news Health & Safety Charter

    Managem reaffirms its commitment to build Health and Safety culture in work environment, through the adoption of new Health and Safety charter. Signed by all Executive Committee members and all Operations Directors, the new charter evolves around 6 commitments :

    •  Firmly believe that each accident can be prevented
    • Invest in necessary tools, resources and means to prevent accidents
    •  Create proactive security culture
    • Evaluer all performances
    • Encourage the raise of all accidents
    • Encourage all our partners to have similar committments
  • 2019-03-06

    Managem participates in PDAC fair

    From March 3rd to 6th 2019, Managem participated in PDAC, a large-scale international mining event. Every year, this professional fair gathers close to 25 000 profesional from mining sector, coming from 130 countries. Enabling them to meet investors and international experts.

  • 2019-02-26

    A partnership program with Injaz Al-Maghib to pomote entrepreneurship in mining areas

    Under the sponsorship of Al Mada foundation and with the support of National Education ministery, Managem and Injaz Al Maghrib signed a partnership to deploy training program centred around entrepreneurship in the mining areas where Managem operates.
    This partnership is built on 3 programs :

    •   Jamaati for primary schools students
    •  It’s My Business for secondary schools students 
    •  Cooper’Up for cooperatives and associations.
  • 2019-02-18

    Managem participates in the SIMFE fair

    SIMFE convention gathers major mining actors in Sudan and around the World. This event promotes mining potential of the region, where Managem is an important operator.